There are many publications available as resources for parents of students with disabilities.
These organizations also serve and provide information to parents and families of children with disabilities:
Advocates for Children of New York
Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) of New York State
Learning Disabilities (LD) on Line
NYC Department of Education (DOE) Special Education
Early Childhood Direction Centers (ECDCs)
Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities
Information on Dispute Resolution
- All school districts must offer special education mediation as a means to resolve disputes relating to the identification, evaluation, educational placement or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability. Request for Special Education Mediation
- If a parent, individual or organization believes that a school district or public agency has violated a requirement of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or State law/regulation related to the education of students with disabilities, they may submit a written, signed State complaint to the New York State Education Department. Sample State Complaint Form
- You may request an impartial hearing to resolve a disagreement about the referral, evaluation or placement of a student or regarding the provision of a free appropriate public education for a student under the IDEA. Sample Due Process Complaint Notice Form To Request An Impartial Hearing