The most common learning disability, dyslexia, is characterized by difficulty in sounding out words accurately and fluently, interfering with learning to read. It typically results from difficulty taking words apart, sound by sound, and blending those sounds back together, despite a child's cognitive abilities. It impacts spelling, writing, math and occasionally, learning to speak. Also referred to as a language-learning or reading disability, it may also result in problems with reading comprehension.
This is a problem with grasping basic math concepts due to difficulties such as memorization of math facts and the understanding of terms, processes, written symbols and formal procedures. Difficulties stem from various problems including language processing and visual-spatial deficits.
Originally used to describe difficulty in writing legibly because of poor motor function, the term is now used also to describe a processing disorder involving difficulty with spelling that may result from poor decoding skills (sounding out words), as well as problems with organizing information in writing despite good oral verbal skills.
When a person with normal hearing and vision has difficulty using and understanding verbal and written language.
Disorders that originate in the right hemisphere of the brain and cause problems with visual-spatial, intuitive, organizational, and evaluative processing functions.